This is the story of the melted tinny that went to Canberra.
And the yellow Climate Action Now signs that have sprung up on fences, homes, and front yards, sharing an urgent message in neighbourhoods and communities – and across the nation.
” We join families from Nth Rosedale, who lived through the horrific fires that burnt some of their homes to the ground as they ran for shelter on the beach. They are waiting for a truck from the Australian National Museum to arrive to pick up relics of Black Sumer: a melted aluminium fishing tinny boat and melted water pump from the destroyed home of Jack Egan and Cath Bowdler. On the unmelted half of the boat is a large yellow and black painted sign that says Climate Action Now. “
Bec Horridge presents this inspirational sharing of the story.
Earth Matters #1282 was produced by Bec Horridge
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WOOEE 2022