After The Fire: A Journey Through Yuin Country, Atmos Magazine
In February 2020, “Writer Amanda Jane Reynolds and photographer Tim Georgeson traveled through New South Wales with the Yuin Nation to explore cultural fire practices of Aboriginal peoples and to bear witness to the landscapes impacted by the catastrophic bushfires.“
Check out this witnessing and sharing of story, photography and perspectives from the Yuin Nation.
‘ During an interview in mid-January after the bushfire intensity had cooled and we were all processing the pain, suffering and destruction, Djiringanj Elder Warren Foster Senior stated: “These are the worst bushfires in our history. It’s never gone up like this. Our people never knew fires like this. The Ancestors would be wild about what’s happened to the Country, to our totem animals…There are hundreds of sites—male ceremony places, sites on our sacred mountain—that burned; not only Yuin land but all over, thousands of places destroyed by these fires. These places have been there for thousands of years, but once it’s gone you never get it back.” ‘
extracts from: After The Fire: A Journey Through Yuin Country
Atmos Magazine was launched in 2019 to bridge the gap between culture and climate.